Sunday, August 9, 2009

its a longggg weekend

now 3:20 Sunday
this weekend is a hard one to get through
starting friday already start to cough but i though who care lah
then later on at night it gets worse body temperature rise like mad
my head spinning like hell
my body all aching but can survive going to kl with my frens
try my best lah ahaha
saturday morning wake up at 7 am since going to some math trip
well it get better my condition haha
but then on the trip back haizzz.....
wanna reach sunway college my body temperature rises again XD
now plus my butts hurt like mad sitting for the whole day on the bus.....
reach LV cannot think already straight away drop dead on the couch.. for a few hours
pluss all that coughing since the morning wen im going to the math trip
on the bus cough non stop dam
later on that saturday evening wake up just realize all my frens went to watch movie
all alone in the house.... so i thought wanna go shower huh my head really heavy at that moment
cant even walk straight.
wad worst wen i open mylaptop found out my laptop speaker not working AHHHHHH
dam all broken on the same weekend.
now the only way to get sound is to plug in the external speaker haizz
o yaa n internet also so slow cant even start on my blogg
can i magine lah how bored my day is....
today sunday already feeling umm just a bit better but still coughing like hell
have to finish my hw about LOVEEEE for math dam i donno wad to write but
gud thing i manage to finish them now im stuck with the page referencing dam
i still have to type my survey questions abt true love but so tired haizzz
can anything be worst than this not feeling well on the long weekend...
come to think of it this always happen whenever got holiday my body start to get really bad haizz
so bad to mee XD
** ok lah that all for now

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